Tuesday, January 29, 2008

State of Irrelevancy

President Bush's State of the Union speech seemed to be nothing more than an attempt by the President to prove that he is not as irrelevant and powerless as the world collectively agrees he is. Repeated threats to veto various bills, including any that raise taxes by even the slightest margin (despite the fact that the U.S. is in tremendous debt), did not improve perceptions of a President well-known for refusing to admit mistakes.

If anything, the State of the Union displayed the persistent denial of the President. By painting sunny pictures of circumstances that are undeserving of such rosy portrails, the President showed just how out-of-touch he is with the "state of the union." By declaring that No Child Left Behind is a success, everything is going great in Iraq, and our economy will be just fine, Bush displayed just how irrelevant, and possibly ignorant, he has become.

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